Cross-ocean transplantation to restore resilience of Caribbean reefs
Mikhail Matz, talk at Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) symposium, Seattle, January 2024
Epigenetics, schmepigenetics: does gene body methylation play a role in adaptation?
Mikhail Matz, plenary talk at the EPIMAR-2020 virtual conference, October 2020 & Landscape Transcriptomics Brown Bag seminar, Penn State, April 2021.
Coral evolution in response to global warming
Mikhail Matz, October 2020. Presentation to the dean of the college (beware: shameless self-advertising)
Predicting coral adaptation in the Indo-West Pacific.
Mikhail Matz. Presentation of the Matz, Treml, and Haller 2020 paper (DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15060 )
Exploring genetic variation in reef-building corals from the cellular to the species level
Sarah Barfield, PhD defense (April 13, 2020)